#194. My Top 5 Spices to Promote Weight Loss-Dr. Christiana Stephen

Dear Moms,

On Meal Monday, I have chosen to speak about spice. Meanwhile did you watch the Live show today MEAL MONDAY. Speaking about spice, there are a lot of spices we are exposed to but these ones are my top 5. With regards to weight loss and healthy lifestyle, you will always find in my kitchen and very often add them to my teas as well. Talking about teas? This is topic for another day. Here are the spices and benefits:


  1. Turmeric: You see with turmeric? I love it. I add turmeric supplements to my teas. I add turmeric powder to any food I make and I have also initiated the whole family into turmeric. Benefits of turmeric are numerous.20B8528E-47BC-416A-99C1-7A3874306CFDUse the Link & the Discount Code to Get A Discount On Goli Gummies  

    In 2009, a scientific report showed turmeric can aid with weight loss by stopping fat cells growing. It can also convert white fat into brown fat, which is burned by the body to release energy, not stored as fat. The truth is that lots of fat cells in the stomach and liver go hand-in-hand with being obese or being overweight, with turmeric actually preventing these cells accumulating, therefore aiding weight loss. If you follow me closely on Facebook, you will notice on all  my Live shows I speak about adding turmeric supplements to my teas. Apart from turning my tongue yellow, it works well with my belly. I discovered turmeric when I had lots of bloating issues. I cannot remember the last time I complained about bloating.  A study shows that turmeric is said to help one deal with stomach issues, metabolic disorders, obesity and many more problems. Though having huge quantities of turmeric is surely not a way to lose weight, but turmeric is said to reduce the inflammation associated with obesity. Thus, it can give your weight loss plan a boost. Check this Video on Detox TeaClose Glass With Powdered Paprika, Cayenne Pepper. Heap Of Brigh

  2. Cayenne pepper: I recently started exploring this spice. Bought 1 kg and I love it. I add a pinch to my teas and also add to season meat, to my stock, I also add to my eggs when frying and my food entirely. Some how my hubby calls me ‘herb lover’. I love herbs. As long as I can find to buy, I will always explore. According to Lauren Minchen, RD, adding the spice to food can help you burn up to 100 calories per meal. If you’ve ever accidentally added too much of this to foods, then you know that cayenne is a warming spice in a big, bad, major way. This means that, similar to turmeric, cayenne raises body temp and helps to boost metabolism.black pepper
  3. Black Pepper: With Black pepper, I always get to use it as often as I use turmeric. Black pepper boasts plenty of fat-burning properties. The spice has also been shown to block the formation of new fat cells, Mendez says, which can help prevent weight gain in the first place. If you don’t already, try adding black pepper to just about everything you eat—it’s even great in traditionally sweetened foods like yogurt and oatmeal.Sliced Ginger Root and Ginger Powder in the Bowl
  4. Ginger: I have written quite a blog post on ginger. Benefits of GingerTop 1: Ginger has been useful for me in my weight loss journey. It was quite easy to go from a size 16 to a size 10 but moving from size 10 to 8 was beginning to take longer, so I decided to try a different means and I am so glad I see results and I have also started sharing these secrets with our closed group.Top 2: Bloating: I suffered so much bloating in the past and was almost stuck with my belly always puffed out but since I started using Ginger the way I do I can’t remember feeling bloated the past 2weeks. Top 3: Ginger has a long history of use for relieving digestive problems such as nausea, loss of appetite, motion sickness and pain (medical news today.com). See more Benefits of ginger


  5. Cinnamon: It has been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease, the world’s most common cause of premature death. In people with type 2 diabetes, 1 gram or about half a teaspoon of cinnamon per day has been shown to have beneficial effects on blood markers.It reduces levels of total cholesterol, “bad” LDL cholesterol and  triglycerides, while “good” HDL cholesterol remains stable Using Cinnamon for Teas

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