#96. Story Time: The Making of A Hero- Christiana Stephen

Hello Moms,

Happy new week to you and yours. I have been thinking of what to write, something that will be inspiring to you but before I continue I need to say thanks to you for taking out time to read my posts even when you are too busy to. It feels good to know someone out there is interested in my views.

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Today, after spending the past week thinking of what best to write about. I decided to write about children. After all it is because of them we are called moms, so they are part of our journey.


I have 4 kids (broken record)?  yeah I know, My first is a girl and she’s 3+. I realise she appears so soft and emotional. You know that kinda girl who cries about almost everything? Yeah thats how she used to be. So I thought of what to do to help the situation and make her a bit confident.img_8093

Truthfully, I doubt if I can stand crying kids especially those who fuse about just anything. I decided to enrol her in a kick boxing class. Weird? but thats just it. The first day we went she was quite ok around the trainer but the second she bursted into tears when she saw people hitting each other, something that looked a bit strange to her.


To cut the story short, she started the class but will not warm to it if Davian who is two will not join her. It was a task to me because I was considering Davian as just too little for that. To my greatest surprise he became a shock to everyone around the gym.


people always want to watch Davian train because he his better than his age.  The whole situation made me realise I just had to start thinking of how well my kids can protect themselves, stand up for themselves as well as stay confident.


The kick boxing classes hasn’t just taught them this, it has also open them up to understanding that there is another side of life and my daughter’s fussiness has stopped drastically plus how discipline these classes make them I Know I am making heroes out of them.img_8096

It isn’t too early to start thinking of other ways to teach your kids they things you weren’t taught. You never know when all your teachings will come in handy. they could save a life and themselves. They could change the world with their tiny little mind blowing actions.


I train my kids with your kids in mind, because someday they will make positive impact. Away from feeding and all they things we do for our kids I crave for extra ordinary kids, never too early to start.

Feel Free to share, like, comment and most importantly be a part of our community. Let us know the exceptional skills you make your kids learn and inspire one another to greater height. For Moms By Moms.


  1. It’s never too late to start.Thats an amazing statement.Thanks for this post.Keep up the great work.You truly are an amazing Mom

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