#153. Why Juicing isn’t the way to weight loss

Hello Moms,


I know when it comes to weight loss, a lot of people are ready to try or do just anything as long as the weight gets off. Well, here’s my opinion on juicing. Juicing is getting your vegetables and fruits into a juice form. Great Idea, I must say as it allows you to drink that vegetable in its raw form. Your Body Can Easily Absorb the Nutrients. It is also a great way to reduce waste.


Juicing becomes dangerous when you end up juicing just sugary fruits. It isn’t so advisable because once you juice out, you actually can reduce the amount of fibre in the fruit or vegetable you are having at that moment. Juice if you just want to have a good summer drink or a snack in between meals but try not to juice go overboard with it. If you’re planning on going on a juice-only diet, take note. That you might find yourself feeling hungry a lot more often. It’s not just your imagination — it’s been proven that eating solid foods helps you reach satiety and feel more full than drinking meals (Draxe). That means with juicing you may not lose the weight you want to lose.

Juicing Can Get Expensive and also Too Much Sugar Can Lead to Blood Sugar Swings. That aside, I love juicing but I’ll rather have a smoothie where I blend all my fruits and vegetables together than juice. I hope this helps. Have a great week.

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