#120. How to Fall In love with Drinking Water- Christiana Stephen

Hello Moms,

Infused Water with Fresh Strawberries, Lime, Lemon and Basil
Infused water with fresh strawberries, lime, lemon and basil served in a glass.

For some reasons,  I decided to start a one month infused water challenge for everyone in my page and some people just don’t get why I do lots of health focused challenges. Today, I choose to share some tips with you. Weight loss journey is great when you have fun with it, if not, it is the most boring and lonely journey ever. I have been on this journey and I understand how tasking it is when you do it alone. Hence, the 50 Amazing Moms community, we guide you and be your support all through your journey to wellness. Ok! Now why the infused water challenge?


Infused water is also called the detox water, weight loss water, fruit flavored water or fruit infused water. This is usually a combination of fruits, vegetables, and herbs immersed in cold water. While trying to loose weight, people are overly careful about what they eat, well, the infused water has the benefit of being full of flavor as well as no calories, making it a very powerful tool in your effort to lose weight and gain better health. My love for infused water lies in the benefits.

Here we go…benefits

  1. Studies have shown that drinking water naturally boosts your metabolism among other benefits and drinking infused water for weight loss can be an easy way to increase your water intake.
  2. Studies have also shown that drinking infused water may help improve weight loss and support long term weight loss maintenance.
  3. Drinking water increases the amount of calories you burn by as much as 24-30% within 10 minutes of drinking water, and this water weight loss increase can last for as long as 60 minutes(loseweightbyeating.com)
  4.  Improves your mood.
  5. Flushes toxins from your system.
  6. Fills you up so you don’t eat as much junk.
  7. Naturally helps your body release fat cells for water weight loss.
  8. Keeps food moving through your system.
  9. Keeps your organs healthy while you’re sweating.
  10. Reduces muscle fatigue while working out.
  11. Helps you recuperate faster from a workout
  12. Keeps you from feeling groggy in the afternoon.cropped-image.jpeg

If you are not part of the 50 Amazing Moms Infused Water Challenge, Kindly join in, it is free and a healthy way to fall in love with drinking water.

Join us at https://www.facebook.com/amazingmomswithchristianastephen/



  1. God bless your hand pls sister my problem is my belle I have 3time operation during child birth cos of that my belle is too big pls help me thank you God bless you

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