#29. Our 7day water challenge ends today: read my review

Congratulations Moms,




our 7day water challenge ends today and I am sure a lot of you are ready to send your reviews in. The whole essence was to get us to drink water (the required quantity our body needs)

water is very important to everyone, especially if you are looking at loosing weight. I took part in this challenge and I am so glad I did. It was the easiest challenge ever for me with regards to weight loss challenges.

My review on 7day water challenge

One of my biggest fears was gaining weight in Nigeria. Yeah I am back now and that didn’t happen. Still fitting into my size 10 dresses and having even a bit of free space.

It helped me eat less and also stay in shape

Clearer skin

the most important bit is making it my habit and I feel good with it.

Send your reviews in and get ready for our 7day detox. If you did not take part in our last 7day detox and want to take part in this, kindly send an email to 50amazingmoms@gmail.com.


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  1. Hi, I took part in this water challenge and for me i had a feel full feeling,i ate lighter and healthy because of this.
    Drinking just this amount of water alone helped me detox! i eased myself freely,nothing stayed in my system.
    i feel more energized though it helped me eat alot less!

    Thanks a lot for putting this challenge together.

  2. The challenge was worth it although I started on the third day I feel so light cause I was able to detox easily.

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